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The Key to Co-Parenting

Racking: Racking is essential in the fermentation phase; this is defined as separating the wine from the sediment throughout fermentation by siphoning off the wine from the top of the fermentation vessel. When to do this can be determined using a hydrometer and evaluating the β€œspecific gravity” of the must. When the specific gravity is […]

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How to Testify in Court

Fermentation is the most important step in the process of learning how to make wine, and definitely the most involved, I’ll go into further detail later on as well as the chemistry involved but I’ll go over the basics. Fermentation occurs in two steps, the primary stage is the aerobic stage, and secondary stage which […]

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Meet the Team

Step 1:Β  Flavor Extraction In this step you are making the basic liquid you will later ferment. An important thing to consider in this step is obviously going to be what kind of wine you are making. When learning how to make wine it's important to understand that there are over 300 unique grapes that […]

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